Sunday, July 22, 2018

5 Small Blogging Tips You Should Implement Immediatel

Few days ago, Pat Flynn from published a post that helped him get millions of pageviews and land him on the front page of It was shared 1,134 times by the time I am writing this.

Here is a wrap-up on the 5 tips combined with some of my own thoughts.


Why – If your headline isn’t good enough to get people to read the first sentence, your content may as well not even exist. Popular sites like BuzzFeed and ViralNova are taking advantage of this tactic.
How - Use “a little something extra you cannot miss” in the titles of blog posts.
"a little something extra you cannot miss" title

2. Start your post with a relevant story

Why - We love stories, so do our readers. We can’t help but finish a story that we’ve started, so when you start your post with a story, people are likely to continue reading, and the further down the page they go, the more likely they are to keep going.
How - The story should be relevant to the message and transformation you’re trying to get across to your audience.

3. Add a Subscribe or Opt-in form in popular pages

Why - Heavily visited pages are a goldmine of leads
How - Log into your analytics account and find the 5 most viewed pieces of content on your site over the past 2 months. Add opt-in or subscribe forms for your email list on those pages or posts.

Tip: If you have yet to start an email list, then this tip isn’t any good for you right now, but it’s something to keep in mind for later – hopefully sooner than later.

4. Isolate super important links within post content

Why - We cannot control the device people use to consume our content. Have you ever tried using your finger to tap on a link on a mobile device, and clicked the wrong link instead?
How - The title of this tip speaks itself ;) And in an email, it’s probably more important to isolate links than within a blog post.

5. After the post is up online, share it on Facebook and Twitter and other social media channels

Why - Blogging isn’t just about publishing content, it’s also about marketing that content and getting it out into the world for people to read, share and take action.
How - Before sharing, take a little bit of extra time to create an image with some text and your logo on top of it. Then spread it along with your post in the social network. You’ll be surprised at how the result comes out!

If you have a VA or graphic designer on your team with the capability to create images like this, then of course you’d want to outsource this task to them.

Pat also created a great post that will help us find the images we’re allowed to use for this type of situation.

But if you don’t have one, or prefer to do these yourself (which is what I do) it’ll take some time to learn how to do it quickly.